The Dame With The Necklace – “Song of The Thin Man”


Just a quick post today, as an afternoon showing of Transformers 2 is calling my name.  My lady-fair has been educating me on all things classic film, and today’s stop on the Golden Age Hollywood tour was the final film in “The Thin Man” series called “Song of The Thin Man”.  If Dashiell Hammett and Chuck Jones mated and their offspring raised by Lucille Ball, this would be the movie that the kid would make.

The sets, the costumes and the locations were all perfectly choreographed into a ballet of 40’s conventions.  In that way, the flick’s a great shorthand if you’re trying to write snappy, 1940’s-sounding dialogue.  Lawrence Kasdan must have seen these flicks a lot.  As the two iconic lead characters Nick and Nora Charles, William Powell and Myrna Loy prove once again that the couple who solves crimes together stays together. Their dog Asta might just be the most awesome dog in the universe, next to our dog Bridget.

Bridget the Superdog. Taking a much deserved break from fighting crime.

Bridget the Superdog. Taking a much deserved break from fighting crime.